September 03, 2025 - June 10, 2026
About the Course
KinderOwls is a Montessori-inspired, forest kindergarten alternative. Our days are spent both in nature, and in our yurt using Montessori materials and methods to learn about mathematics, language arts, geography, and so much more.
KinderOwls was first introduced during the 2020-2021 school year and has been an amazing success.
This is a 3-day or 5-day a week program 9AM-1PM.
KinderOwls is for any child who is ages 5 - 6 years old (by September 1st) and is either homeschooled or whose family is just not ready to have them enter a traditional kindergarten yet.
Once we receive your application you will be entered into our lottery system. If your name is chosen, you will then be contacted to set up an interview and a tour of our facilities with you child. If your child is accepted into the program, there is a 10% non-refundable tuition deposit due by June 1 they year in which they apply.
**Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Our registration system is lottery based. All applicants will be chosen at random and contacted to set up an interview and tour. Current students have priority registration.